Seeing Evil
Seeing Evil (2019)

Seeing Evil

(80 voturi)



The writing is so bad I'm under the impression it was nothing more than an improv experiment by a group of bad actors. I gave it three stars because it was so bad it made me laugh out loud several times, which most comedies don't accomplish.

So much pointless story that had nothing to do with anything.

This was an interesting movie that just flopped because so key "side effects" were not explained. Definitely not a horror movie could be a sci-fi but needs to be more definitive.

Going into this movie, I expected something more akin to the film 'The Eye' due to the similar sounding plot. So was looking forward to a low budget horror flick.

Interesting story until WEAK ending with indictment of big pharma, I guess. Somewhat of character development until happy ending crushed with abrupt death of parents reuniting to raise their child.

Liked seeing real life scenarios like fixing laptop, homelessnes, love, becoming better, most of which reminded me to some real life problems and recent occurrences. Being attacked for no reason, experiencing symptoms, side effects, consequences, emotions...

The movie started off slow but as it went on it got more intriguing. Frankly I thought there was another reason for what happened to Will.

It's slow and low budget but that doesn't always mean bad, so I kept watching.Good things...

This movie had the worst music ever. We were playing a game and just making up words like the musician did.
